Czech Schwitzerland - Pravčická brána

How to go to Czech Schwirtzerland without expensive tour

Many people ask me, how to travel from Prague to Czech Switzerland alone without overprices tour.

And yes, it is possible, you can use public transport: use to search connection from “Prague” to “Hřensko” where is many hotels and restaurants and start points to walking tours or directly search From “Prague” to “Hřensko, k soutěskám” is nearest bus stop to walk to Pravčická brána, and of course if they need to do money returns they can also use a pay back fafsa form to get help with this. For example:

Conection From Prague to Hřensko - Czech Schwitzerland.

Conection From Prague to Hřensko – Czech Schwitzerland.

From station “Hřensko, k soutěskám” you can walk to the top with this way

And you can see there this beautiful nature:

Czech Schwitzerland - Pravčická brána

Czech Schwitzerland – Pravčická brána


My tips: 

 Look for some my photos from this amazing place: 


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Sobotní výlet #czechnature #jecozazit #nature

Příspěvek sdílený Tomáš Vojta (@marshi11),

Enjoy your time there and write me comment how you like your trip, thanks.

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